Yashica's Intuition

tarot readings,Astrology Reports

Pluto Retrograde April 24-Oct 3, 2019

Astrology Reports, tarot readingsyashica crumptonComment

Pluto will be retrograde for about 5 months forcing you to do some major work around power, control, and other structures that need to be reworked on an individual and collective basis.

Internally, I feel like you will be feeling a power struggle between your own thoughts, your will, and your desire. It could be regarding what you need to change in your live in order to build something in your life that is lasting. You may feel the need to tear down things that need to go or find them crumbling away before your eyes.

You could be tested in 2 major areas: Self mastery & in recalibrating to align yourself to the things that you say you would like to manifest in your life.

The energy is here to help you in these areas and strip away that which does not align. This is a serious time of hard work, determination, patience, and doing the right thing every step of the way. There are shadow sides that may have to be dealt with and purging that may have to take place in order for you, or some area of your life, to grow and transform.

You need to stop lying and stop making excuses. The time is now!

Leave me a comment! How do you feel this transit is going to impact your life?

If you feel confused, lost, and in pain and know that you are being called to do better but feel lost about how to move past the blocks that you are experiencing, please consider getting your own personalized reading.



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Yashica is a  focused on sharing information and guidancto help you move past blocks and other issues that prevent you from living your happiest and best life. On the blog, you will find a variety of topics that will help you succeed in life such as; horoscopes, astrology reports, free tarot readings, advice podcasts, life advice, videos, and much more. Yashica's Intuition also provides life coaching, life consulting, & tarot readings. The mission, by providing these resources and information, is to help you learn how to use all information and tools at your disposal to stop living in negative patterns and start living your true life purpose. I no longer have physical locations due to relocation but work with clients virtually

Weekly Horoscope for April 22-28 2019

Astrology Reportsyashica crumptonComment
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Hey! I hope you are hanging in there with all the craziness that has been going on lately. We are definitely being challenged in some area of our life to be better and do better that’s for sure.

As we start of the week, you start off the week you step into an irritated and agitated energy. A counterpart to this could be exciting. Your mind is stimulated and that could be where this is all stemming from. It could have this propensity to cause a feeling of anxiety. You want to act based off of what is currently happening in your life. However, your soul is wanting you to slow down and look more at the bigger, broader picture. You could have a hard time channeling you thoughts into a bigger meaning or purpose and this can lend itself towards being prone to misunderstandings (internally and externally). You are being shown that there is a need for you to be flexible and to be wiling to mature. There is something more future oriented that is unfolding. Survey all this information coming in around you, but think about what it all means on a larger scale, not just in the here and now.

Expect the unexpected. The Sun and Uranus are conjoining. This transit could feel positive or negative, it just depends. There may be a shake up or an opportunity to break up something or open up a moment of freedom….. it will be a breath of fresh air for some. Things sometimes work in your favor and sometimes they seem like they don’t…. on the surface, that is. But, when you only look at the tip of the iceberg, you miss out on the larger things happening outside of your scope of vision. Sometimes life is like that and you don’t often see the things that are happening for your highest and best good. Trust yourself and trust what is unfolding.

Your instinct will be working well but you also must continue to be diligent about the fact that you must not act impulsively or dangerously. If something is not aligned with the truth of your life path, expect a shakeup and be open because there is also an opportunity for an unexpected surprise.

If you want to escape the crazy energy that is going on around you, it would be a good time to stay focused on safe projects, mind your business, and throw in some Netflix binges every now and then. The veil between the known and the unknown is thin and your job is to toe the line. Whatever you happen to be experiencing, ride the wave, because whether you see it or not, there is luck on your side. It is important now, more than ever, to see the beauty in yourself and your experiences. They are there for healing and growth. Some of the things happening can feel unsettling. You will really have to dig in and trust because life will feel awkward as you are evolving into this new you.

The pull to focus on your own needs comes to a head near midweek because there is this tension between your thoughts, needs, and desires vs. the serious energy and responsibilities that are constantly vying for your attention.

Pluto also goes retrograde around this time and the main theme with this transit is centered on letting go, restructuring, tearing things down, and rebuilding. Anything that does not have a place in your future in some area of your life…. it needs to go. Shit is about to get real. There is an opportunity to take divinely inspired information and channel it into something useful and beneficial. The way you are thinking and how you feel can work well together to help you move forward. This is a serious time and your self mastery is being tested so come from your higher self at all times. If you were the best version of yourself, how would you handle the things that you are going thru at the moment?

You want things to shake up and maybe shoot forward in some area of your life. You know that something has to change in your life to continue to expand but you know it’s not about wishing anymore. It’s about practical action and manifestation principles applied. These things need to be combined and can be used to create better for yourself and your future. It can be fairly easy to get yourself together to obtain your hopes and dreams if you are moving in flow with the cosmos. You must be at one with spirit. It will greatly decrease any difficulties you are experiencing.

I see a portal of opportunity opening up that could allow you to launch into a whole new world for yourself but it requires the right balance of innovation and practicality.

Coming into the weekend, I don’t see much stability. It still feels a little unsettled. You feel scattered and unfocused and like you need a change of pace. You are transforming in a big way but because it is spiritually, it can feel uncomfortable to try to ground this in your mind and understand what is truly occurring. You aren’t the only one feeling like this and there may be an opportunity around the weekend to share all your feels and how you have been thinking with other people and find that this interaction goes positively. This is also a good time to focus your energy on things that need to be done. You can apply your energy to learning about new things that can be used to support your hopes and dreams.

The good news…. saved the best for last…. is that we close out the week on some great energy so take advantage of it. Be fun, socialble, and adventerous. Grab life by the reigns today. Get out and about Sunday and try to have some fun. Try new things. Your soul and your sense of optimism can be activated positively by actually DOING something. You have an opportunity to feel fun and lively and upbeat. You activate an opportunity for some feel good moments as you close out the week and that makes me feel good.

Here is a brief video overview with a bonus tarot reading:

If you find that you need more help that what this general reading provides, please consider a personalized tarot reading geared with advice to help you specifically.




Yashica is a  focused on sharing information and guidancto help you move past blocks and other issues that prevent you from living your happiest and best life. On the blog, you will find a variety of topics that will help you succeed in life such as; horoscopes, astrology reports, free tarot readings, advice podcasts, life advice, videos, and much more. Yashica's Intuition also provides life coaching, life consulting, & tarot readings. The mission, by providing these resources and information, is to help you learn how to use all information and tools at your disposal to stop living in negative patterns and start living your true life purpose. I no longer have physical locations due to relocation but work with clients virtually

Weekly Horoscope for April 15-21, 2019

Astrology Reports, tarot readingsyashica crumptonComment
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Countless numbers of you have reached out letting me know about the difficult energy that you have been experiencing so I wanted to let you know, I feel you. It’s been berzerk. Part of it I blame on the retrograde season that started uncovering some junk, some of it I attribute to Aries season…. *side eye*.

Anyway, so now you step into this week, you may notice that there are still some pressures but before I continue, I want to let you know, that by the weekend, it will get better.

Coming into the week you may notice a small amount of tension between your heart and your mind. You may still be processing something and/or trying to keep your ego in check as you do so. Because there is a tendency to be self focused, you may have to slow down and make sure you’re processing things correctly…. especially since you are just now wrapping you mind around some of the things that have been going down over the past few weeks. This tug of war can also be felt as occurring between your mind and your intuition of instinct. With these energies, please be smart and make good decisions. I would, personally, be more inclined to say trust your heart and your intuition or instinct and be willing to try something new or unexpected.

This whole process could feel novel and uncomfortable which is why I feel like you would do best to handle these struggles internally. You may want to feel better or be willing to do anything to soothe this feeling or numb the pain. I am all for you being fun, flexible and exciting, but don’t compromise yourself or lower your standards. Watch for volatile moods or impulsive actions. As the tension builds, try to keep your frustrations in check. Keep this stuff inside and mull it over before acting to minimize any unnecessary misunderstandings.

Trying to share what you are going thru could be misunderstood and as you struggle with who you are and what you are going thru, this would only heighten the possibility of reckless behavior on a small or large scale.

Mercury moves into Aries early in the week and this is good for decisive, quick decisions, but again, while Mercury is here, you will really have to watch how you act because it can bring in an abrupt and disruptive energy. Couple this energy with the potential for anxiety this week and you could have a recipe for disaster. The positive side is if you’ve needed action to take place and shake you up, the energy is there.

The monkey mind (all in your head) could start to settle a little bit as the week progresses and the answers and the solace that you need will slowly start to unveil. TRUST THE PROCESS! The more you are able to healthily analyze what needs to change about you and your situation, the better you will feel but there is a fine line between discernment and purification vs monkey mind and worry. Stay on your middle path and connected to God to find hope and positivity.

There is an excitement in the in the air for some. For others of you, it will feel more like irritation. For some reason, I also see the possibility of weather disruptions or things unexpectedly happening to restore balance and order so make sure you are prepared! Passivity may give way to a more assertive energy, at least in your head, but it could feel a little clunky.

Take a break around Thursday to step away from the day to day of life. If you did cause any damage, make amends and take responsibility for the part you may have played in some drama that panned out. Apologize and try to move forward. Things are continuing to prepare you for change, balance, and growth…. that will feel unsettling. Some relationships won’t make it thru this crazy energy, but think positive, changes like these have to occur to release that which is unhealthy.

We have the 2nd Full Moon in Libra this month. Check back later this week for a reading and compare it to these readings I did on the first Full Moon in Libra. There is a part 1 and a part 2 video. It is rare to have 2 full moons in the same sign so pay attention. The different energy I spoke of thru the week will continue into the beginning of this new moon making me think that it won’t be particularly easy but it will be positive in that it will allow you an opportunity to grow, evolve, and let go. This is all focused on you, your healing, your growth, how you see yourself, and making the decision that needs to be made in order to open up a fresh chapter in your life so be willing to purify and detox that which is not in harmony with a positive future for yourself.

The Sun enters Taurus and Venus enters Aries on Saturday. To me, this is hot, sexy and passionate. There is an increased opportunity for romance, creativity, and doing what feels good. There is some deep, intimate, and emotional energy but it forms a positive aspect, so I’m not too worried about it. You can use this time as an opportunity to connect with others on a deep level…. be that family, friends, or someone that is closely connected to your heart. Things seem to be receiving a rebirth. It’s a good day for cleaning. You may also find yourself involved in transforming things or situations and you will find that these transformations are connected to something that will last.

Relax and enjoy this weekend. You need this break. People are starting to feel better. You feel good and have an increased potential for optimism. You may even feel like getting out and about (although Saturday you may want things to be more intimate). I think that you will want to indulge and have fun and I don’t see that as a bad thing but be smart about it. Don’t throw all caution to the wind. Keep things easy, light, and not too serious. There is room for different perspectives to play well in the room together without causing a disruption…. just don’t try to go too deep. Keep it surface and light. You are feeling good and comfy in your own skin. Enjoy!

Here is a video overview of the week!

If you find that you need more help that what this general reading provides, please consider a personalized tarot reading geared with advice to help you specifically.




Yashica is a  focused on sharing information and guidancto help you move past blocks and other issues that prevent you from living your happiest and best life. On the blog, you will find a variety of topics that will help you succeed in life such as; horoscopes, astrology reports, free tarot readings, advice podcasts, life advice, videos, and much more. Yashica's Intuition also provides life coaching, life consulting, & tarot readings. The mission, by providing these resources and information, is to help you learn how to use all information and tools at your disposal to stop living in negative patterns and start living your true life purpose. I no longer have physical locations due to relocation but work with clients virtually

Weekly Horoscope for April 8-14, 2019

Astrology Reports, tarot readingsyashica crumptonComment
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Welcome to part 2 of the 2019 retrograde season! Jupiter goes retrograde this week and I have a video all about it over on my facebook page exclusively so go over there after you are done here to get that information. Make sure you like my page while you are over there!

You have an interesting week ahead. As we spend time scrubbing over pour past and things that been more deeply hidden underneath the surface and it’s cool because you can use what has been uncovered to move forward. You can bring those discoveries out and bring out deeper thoughts and emotions and communicate those things or work with them more easily. You will be in your feels so be careful. You are deeply sensitive as the week opens so you must pay attention to your perceptions.

Because we are not quite in touch with reality, spirituality, creativity, and romantic pursuits are all favored. The beginning of the week an excellent time to take advantage of your morning routine. As a matter of fact, if you can muster the energy, it is important to have moments alone this whole week. The energy of this week will have some ups and downs so take advantage of the ups and spend the downs in quiet reflection if you can. Make sure you are incorporating things that make you feel good.

Be extra careful as we inch closer to the Jupiter Retrograde on Wednesday. There is this powerful energy that can be fun and exciting or it could be emotional and tempers could flare. People could be popping off. While the energy is a bit needy, trying to get your needs met could result in you acting uncharacteristically. Because of your sensitivities and vulnerabilities coupled with your altered perceptions, you will really have to try to keep it together and not be reactive at a time like this. Watch boundaries and escapist behaviors. Make a real effort to be discerning because it could be difficult to sort thru all the information coming to you this week.

I think you may immediately feel everything I spoke about in the Jupiter Retrograde video (here on my FaceBook as an exclusive). You must see that you are being tested to see if you are ready. You will want to abandon your plan and may find it easy to lose focus. Dont! This is a good opportunity to deal with issues you have faced, especially in relationships.

You are in your head because you are internalizing next steps. What do you need to keep? What do you need to change? Where do you have the opportunity to tweak your mindset and learn new things so that you don’t stunt your growth and progress?

Stay aware because I do see unexpected strokes of luck that can help you whether it be money, information, or encounters. I also just see some unexpected and shocking things, so stay on your toes. If you feel blocked and limited, that is natural, but you will be able to put the whole picture together soon and if you combine this information with my horoscopes and that Jupiter reading on my facebook, you will be fine.

Things may feel a little better closer to the weekend. You may feel less confused and more connected to God and your inner guidance. Energy is more favorable for individual pursuits so again make sure you are taking moments to put you first. You will have to try really hard to stay on task, especially Friday, because you just aren’t feeling anything too serious at this time. You do need to prioritize healing activities or projects that you may need to wrap up but you will just NOT be in the mood for new nor will you have the energy to initiate. It’s a “me” sort of time so check in with yourself frequently and honor yourself.

As the weekend gets closer, there is a need to slow your roll. There are these times where you (and others) could feel easily triggered. It could be related to something deep, such as fear-based items (I help you with this in my book). There are moments of feeling good and feeling like you have a fresh start or a rebirth and that is mixed with feeling emotional or ego driven and other unexpected, harsh energy. Try to relax as much as possible and tap into inner child activities to help you with relaxation and self healing. Find a creative outlet…. or romantic…. to channel everything that you are feeling because that will be very centering for you.

Focus on what you can control and what needs to be done. Do some work around the house…. chores…. or on yourself but also play and have fun. I think you will find that it will make for a very productive weekend.

Here is a quick video overview for the week if you are in a rush

Until next time…..




Yashica is a  focused on sharing information and guidancto help you move past blocks and other issues that prevent you from living your happiest and best life. On the blog, you will find a variety of topics that will help you succeed in life such as; horoscopes, astrology reports, free tarot readings, advice podcasts, life advice, videos, and much more. Yashica's Intuition also provides life coaching, life consulting, & tarot readings. The mission, by providing these resources and information, is to help you learn how to use all information and tools at your disposal to stop living in negative patterns and start living your true life purpose. I no longer have physical locations due to relocation but work with clients virtually

Weekly Horoscope for April 1-April 7, 2019

Astrology Reports, tarot readingsyashica crumptonComment
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You will be starting off the week with this touchy planetary aspect that could bring emotionally charged feelings along with an increase for impulsivity. You may feel like something is holding you back from something you really wish for and strongly desire. You can grasp onto an opportunity to try new things though so look for the plus in keeping your eye on the prize even if you cannot take the leap yet. You can take small steps to start incorporating something in your life that you normally would’t. Keep your eyes and ears open as we jump into the week because there is an opportunity for something unexpected and beneficial. Your intuition is running on high and will be a useful tool to help you navigate this energy,

This energy will start to lighten a little and you will start to feel la little more playful or fun. Maybe curious and inquisitive. Your mind will move from a place of tapping into that deeper instinctual nature into a place where you are more focused on intellectual pursuits and will do best focusing on things that are more mysterious…. things that need to be figured out. You will have more insight and increased intuitive perception that you can meld with the inquisitiveness this energy brings so that you can integrate it and make it more useful in your life. However, if you don’t have discernment about whats coming in, confusion could result. This may be a time to be open to new ideas etc, without acting on anything with permanence. There is good energy to channel creatively into expressions of romance or creativity.

Deeper feelings and emotions come to the surface sometime around mid week. The dark comes to light. The hidden is exposed. What these transits also bring with them are a positive energy to change things that need to be changed and shed any light on things that have been ignored or out of your aura of awareness. This is a good time to dig into your spiritual practice. Watch drugs and alcohol and also watch your boundaries. Keep yourself safe because you could lower your inhibitions in times like these and not be pleased with the aftermath. It is a good thing that the boundary related to this energy is a little thinner but it also has a consequence of loosening boundaries.

You have these deep energies starting to align this week that are calling you to focus on growing and healing yourself. The more that you pay attention to yourself, the more you are able to start to like what you see or at least feel more comfortable in your own skin. The focus, especially the closer we get to the weekend, should be on you and how you can continue to learn and experiment to increase your growth, learning, and self-maturation.

On Friday we have a wonderful new moon in Aries. The new moon is, among other things, about fresh starts and new beginnings but I feel like this moon will immediately feel like this new action oriented feeling you may feel in your spirit and soul will be tempered by structure oriented Capricorn. Although you may want to do something new and fresh in life and want to act., when you do you will have to act in a way that is coupled with longevity and staying power. Yes you need to expand and grow and make something happen. You have to be ready to act. You also have to be ready to have the willpower to go the distance though, so that is the energy you are feeling.

Sudden events may be linked to this new moon as well as increased emotions and fluctuations in energy. You may realize that you have the resources you need to move forward or be given the resources you need that can be helpful by providing assistance or forward momentum in some area of your life.

You have some great analytical aptitude marrying up with willpower and determination. The energy as you close the week is very enjoyable and light and that makes it a good time to get out and about. Not only are you feeling good and nicer and compassionate, but you are also in touch with the divine so that impacts romance and creative projects very favorably. Advice, intuition, and intellectual energies are all working together to have you end the week with increased clarity and insight.

Please like and share with your friends and family.




Yashica is a  focused on sharing information and guidancto help you move past blocks and other issues that prevent you from living your happiest and best life. On the blog, you will find a variety of topics that will help you succeed in life such as; horoscopes, astrology reports, free tarot readings, advice podcasts, life advice, videos, and much more. Yashica's Intuition also provides life coaching, life consulting, & tarot readings. The mission, by providing these resources and information, is to help you learn how to use all information and tools at your disposal to stop living in negative patterns and start living your true life purpose. I no longer have physical locations due to relocation but work with clients virtually

Weekly Horoscope for March 18-24, 2019 🕉️ Full Moon in Libra & Sun in Aries and more 🕉️

Astrology Reportsyashica crumptonComment

Some of you that interact with me on social media are already aware how I feel about this week. There is a lot going on with the Full Moon in Libra at approx 0 degrees, Spring Equinox in the US, Sun in Aries, International Astrology Day, and more.

Sooo….. to start of the week, it could start off on a very emotional foot. The moon is in Leo and it doesn’t want to be serious or focus on the needs and concerns of others. At this time, I feel like the energy is very self focused and fun oriented. Because of this, you will have to try hard to be serious/organized when it is needed. I also think you will have to watch for tendencies to over indulge and ego trip. You will be working on finding balance all week so it’s important that you spend some time grounding to keep your feet planted on solid ground. You may be working on balance between the self and others. You may be working on aspects of life where you will need to turn within….. getting lost in the deeper more emotional aspects of your life…it could be this vs letting things bring out your more bigger bolder parts of your self.

How can you feed your emotions maturely? You don’t have to drown in yourself or keep things deep inside but you also don’t need to let it all fall out in a bit of an explosion. There is a middle ground where you can feel comfortable in your own skin and experience and express what you feel from a stable and grounded place. This week is ripe with opportunities because you are able to recognize problems this week and think about ways to reconcile them without picking yourself or others apart.

You are vulnerable and moody and will be looking for ways to soothe yourself. This is a good week to connect to spirit. Foster your connection to God. Other things that will be helpful to you during this time would be turning to words of encouragement. It would also be helpful if you would recognize that all the feels being stirred up…. they are to show you that positive change is possible and it is coming in. You will need to be especially patient and open to the possibility that something positive is coming in.

You need to know that you can be yourself and maintain who you are while also developing connections with others. I say this because I see another theme this week around healthy connections and healthy boundaries.

I think the Aries energy that comes in around midweek will being in a sense of freshness and freedom that will allow you to adapt a little more easily to the new changes that may be going on underneath the surface. Because it stirs up a passion that is also often oriented to the self, you may find that you will have to try hard to adapt to others and be flexible to the needs of others. You are wanting something new and different and better. It could be something you feel deep in your soul or it could be something as simple as wanting to switch up your look or how you show up in the world. Don’t do anything permanent or crazy if this is the case.

As you are moving thru this tug of war happening all week, I do think there are opportunity points where just as quickly as things seem off, they can easily become more balanced. Sometimes a pendulum swings to different extremes before it settles on an equilibrium and i feel like this is what happens. It is important to not get to attached to what you see happening and what you feel. If you have felt things drumming to the surface that were making you feel like you were on an emotional rollercoaster, try to save any serious conversations for midweek and beyond because this is when things feel more settled.

Some other things that may surface for you this week are such things as work life balance. Do you work too much? Or… do you play too much? Do you dream too much without having a proper plan of action or do you spend all your time focusing on the day-to-day without spending time actually dreaming?

As you are going thru these things, you will have this increased energy/passion that can be directed towards accomplishing goals and creating the new you… because you are evolving whether you notice it or not. There is also positive energy sitting in your sensual sector so here is another way to direct your passion.

The Libra energy comes in with the full moon is trying to get you to also notice some other factors that need more balance. Are you refusing to note the truth and walking in illusion and delusions? It is bringing in truth and karma.

The earth energy that comes in as the week progresses is very positive and grounding so you should use it to your advantage and channel all the passion and soulful energy into something that you want to manifest on the physical plane.

You also have these windows of opportunity to understand cues and personal reflections more accurately and turn them into something favorable for you. You can deal with things more maturely than you could in the beginning of the week.

Another window of opportunity could come thru connecting with others that, while different than you, are similar in values and views and provide support and encouragement. You may find that thru internet connections.

Stepping into the weekend you will carry the Libra moon power in to help you recognize that you may need to cut some things out of your life, destroy some things….. all maturely….. or look around you and realize that there are many positive things about your life that you just need to pour into a little more because they could be exactly what you would want them to be.

It is a very good time to close the week with some healing work, spiritual work, or intuitive work. Pay attention to messages that may be revealed. The energy is very open and again you may slip into an emotional state but I feel like it will be different for you than it was at the beginning of the week . Your soul and your mind are connected so you have access to a deeper understanding and to both conscious and subconscious juicy tidbits.

As you are moving thru the week, especially a week like this, when all the pieces are not connecting or you feel turned upside down or lost… remember that what you are experiencing as you try to find your new footing during all these new cycles or energy or find answers to what confuses you in your relationships …these can be more clear instantly. When you get a personal reading, that is what you are investing in…. YOUR truth, YOUR answers, YOUR energy. You reduce your confusion and the time you spend trying to wade thru it alone. I have openings for readings. To purchase my most popular reading you can click the link below. I have it reduced for a limited time so now is the time to stop struggling and get the help you deserve.

Until Next Time,



Yashica is a  focused on sharing information and guidancto help you move past blocks and other issues that prevent you from living your happiest and best life. On the blog, you will find a variety of topics that will help you succeed in life such as; horoscopes, astrology reports, free tarot readings, advice podcasts, life advice, videos, and much more. Yashica's Intuition also provides life coaching, life consulting, & tarot readings. The mission, by providing these resources and information, is to help you learn how to use all information and tools at your disposal to stop living in negative patterns and start living your true life purpose. I no longer have physical locations due to relocation but work with clients virtually

Weekly Horoscope for March 11-17, 2019 🕉️ Pay Attention 🕉️

Astrology Reports, Daily Video Readings, tarot readingsyashica crumptonComment
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Coming off of the coat tails of an intense week with Mercury Retrograde, Uranus enters Taurus, and New Moon in Pisces!, we now have a week where the energy starts off more grounded but no less important. I felt like I should tell you that the theme of this week is to pay attention because the main struggle I see that continues thru the whole week is this tendency to have this tug of war between a larger vision and optimism vs practicality and details. Since details aren’t sexy, what could happen is making a choice to ignore them all together or haphazardly focusing on the details. That would be no bueno for this week because you could miss something. Speaking of details…. here we go!

We kick off the week with a deep need to feed your soul in ways that are pleasurable due to an abundance of sensual Taurean energy. You may find yourself only focused on things that make you feel good. This could include getting lost in social media and behaving in other ways that are self focused because you want to feel good and you want to get your needs met. I see some of you wanting to have your sense of self worth and self value validated via things outside of yourself. You could also be pulled to disrupt your normal spending patterns to feed some deeper emotional need you may be trying to fulfill. What you could do to use this energy constructively is to channel it into romantic and/or creative endeavors where you can see immediate results of your work. This is highly favored.

If you look deep enough, you have plenty of value to offer and if you come from a place of self confidence and self worth, socializing would be a good thing and perhaps lucky or valuable to you because you are providing value in relationships by sharing your lovely, unique self and the universe is going to reward you in return by matching that energy. Come from this space and everything will be fine. You don’t have to burden yourself unnecessarily with this pressure or tension that you may feel about where you are vs where you want to be. You don’t need to always worry about the how things are unfolding. Maybe sometimes you need to just do something and practically show up. Maybe for you this week, practical steps in the right direction is all that is needed for the universe to show up and help you out.

Another thing I want you to be aware of this week is a need to protect your energy. The soul is open this week…. still. There will be multiple opportunities to heal through open communication and adopting new ways of thinking but this is the kicker…. I see these opportunities as times to turn inward. These are times where I feel you should direct your energy towards inner healing. How do you speak to yourself? What do you think about yourself? How are your own views and your own energy blocking your ability to show up in this world as the beautiful, confident, successful person that you are meant to be? I am doing a lot of readings lately where I am noticing some themes in this area of our life and am pleased with the information that the universe is sharing with my clients. Know that you are not alone.

To tap into this energy, almost every morning this week is a good time to practice self reflection, deeper investigation, and all activities focused on how you plan on stepping out into the new you.

All this air sign energy is also bringing in the need for you to feel like you want to be intellectually stimulated on a new and deep level. Some of what you will need will be satisfied thru carefully crafted social interactions. Some of this intellectual information will just hit you upside the head like truth bombs and those could throw you for a loop. These bombs are meant to propel you on the course you should be on…. walking in truth and light. While some could be a little nerve wrecking and anxiety producing, try not to make a mountain out of a mole hill. All the universe it trying to do is get you to see that there are areas of your life that could and should be different. You don’t have to be all dramatic about it, you just need to recognize the need to adjust and tweak to build on more solid foundations.

Any annoyances or irritations that crop up are showing you the things that the new moon brought in from last week and is stirring things up so that you can release and step into something new. Especially if you’ve been ignoring something. As stuff is shown to you, it’s attempting to get you to follow your instincts that will then guide you towards your more authentic self and life. Embrace this opportunity. Spirit is helping you!

Because this is such a practical, productive week, pay a great deal of attention to making sure you are finding the perfect harmony between your greater visions (the big picture) and the minute details. If not, you risk missing something that could be very important…. the inner workings of something. It could also manifest vice versa, you could be getting all nit picky about details and losing the bigger vision and optimistic nature that comes along with expansion and growth mindset. Be passionate about something or someone but SHOW it through actual demonstration. Do the work.

I want you to have high hopes and dreams but know that in order to get to where you want to be, you will need to have these big hopes and dreams but they need to be anchored with concrete actionable goals. Lack of both will lead to mistakes, mis-steps, and miscommunications, especially as Mercury retrograde is trying to take you back thru your subconscious to pick up anything you may not have seen or missed…. things that are deeply hidden. You need this information to grow and expand… to move forward.. so PAY ATTENTION. This portal is open for you to explore deeper but not to get lost and forget to keep your rational brain about you. It is also an important piece of the equation. Mind body and soul.

As much as I think positive growth will come thru social interaction, i also feel like there are moments where you will want to take some time and connect with people close to you thru regular old human interaction like we did in the B.T. times….. Before Technology.

The last thing I want to talk to you about is the weekend. It is all business in the front and party in the back. You can jump into Saturday with some very favorable energy to support you completing projects or chores that you haven’t had time to complete. Don’t start new things. Try to tie up old things or put your attention into projects you have already thought or or maybe started but didn’t get the ball rolling on quite yet.

After that, the energy becomes less serious and more fun. You are more free and confident and feeling like you want to do things to make your inner child sing (i.e., play). The energy is playful and creative. In it’s shadow side, all the mental energy from the beginning of the week may have you prone to being impulsive and having outbursts because it may have left you feeling more unsettled. I promise you that if you focus on yourself and what you consider to be joyful for you, it will be the best way to step out of this energy.

As you wrap up this week, spend time at the end of the week chilling and preparing for the powerful energy that will be coming up next week so that you can step into it at your highest and best.

Here’s a bonus Tarot Reading

Until Next Time,



Yashica is a  focused on sharing information and guidancto help you move past blocks and other issues that prevent you from living your happiest and best life. On the blog, you will find a variety of topics that will help you succeed in life such as; horoscopes, astrology reports, free tarot readings, advice podcasts, life advice, videos, and much more. Yashica's Intuition also provides life coaching, life consulting, & tarot readings. The mission, by providing these resources and information, is to help you learn how to use all information and tools at your disposal to stop living in negative patterns and start living your true life purpose. I no longer have physical locations due to relocation but work with clients virtually

Weekly Horoscope for March 4-10, 2019 🕉️ Mercury Retrograde, Uranus in Taurus, & New Moon 🕉️

Astrology Reports, tarot readingsyashica crumpton

Man what a week. There is so much going on this week. It kicks off with Mercury Retrograde then the next day, Uranus enters Taurus and we have a New Moon in Pisces! Check out the NEW videos for all that are linked.

We start the week off positively. There is a great opportunity here to be in a great sociable mood. You are probably feeling a little more optimistic than you have over the past weekend. This is a good time to work on things that expand your hopes and dreams. Another plus as you start off the week….. People are attracted to you and you are actually attracted to being around other people. Use this energy wisely.

There is energy in the air for unexpected things to happen to you…. maybe even a little strange. I feel like dreams and other clues, especially while out and about or while using technology, can give you valuable pieces of information that you will need to help you keep moving forward.

Mercury retrograde also occurs around this time in the sign of Pisces. I encourage you to look here for more information about it.

Then right after that, Uranus finally goes into Taurus. Long ago I wrote an article about Uranus in Taurus, and filmed a video right when Uranus tiptoed into Taurus, but now Uranus is settling for the long haul and I have also made a separate reading about it so make sure you check out the Uranus in Taurus video!

Moving thru all that exciting energy and getting closer to Thursday, you will have a good opportunity to focus on creative and spiritual needs through implementing a practical routine. Your connection to the divine is increased as you are still very much linked to all the divine happenings of the past few days. One thing I would like you to pay attention to is that you will have to tread lightly because there is a heightened possiblility that you may not be seeing reality clearly. If you work on honing in on your intuition, it will be helpful in guiding you on what is needed practically to grow to the next level and to heal, repair, and renew but the issue will be weeding thru all the noise.

I’m very concerned about you getting carried away or making permanent or detrimental decisons based on inhibited judgement. Be careful. Pray. Journal. You could decrease standards or overindulge which could lead to undesired reprecussions. You could more proactively use this energy by channeling it into your spiritual journey and soul emergegnce.

Renewal and deep psychological healing opportunities continue and if you can keep your emotions in check, you can see great strides in emotional connnections with others and inner growth. They must be aligned with you though, otherwise it will be more uncomfortable than anything. Again, I encourage journaling in the midst of this powerful energy until you can discern real from fantasy. It will be very helpful for self growth and healing.

You will probably go into the weekend feeling good in your skin which gels well with you and is a positive energy that impacts you hanging out with other people in a favorable way. If you have found it difficult to navigate the world this week, you will now notice a solid chance to spend some time on the things you couldn’t get to during the week…… Friday night is a good day to burn the midnight oil.

One weird thing is that this energy could wax and wane over the weekend. One minute you are feeling yourself, the next minute a lower energy could creep in.

This is a good time to examine yourself and the things you want to have for yourself and without being depressing or negative, come to some hard truths about what you need to do to transform. This is a marathon so be kind to yourself but to the right thing. Believe that you can have what you want and be who you need to be to reach your dreams.

Lots of Taurus energy comes in to close out the week! Psychic impulses are still high so continue to pay attention to dreams and other insights as they can be a guide for you to show you what you need to DO and when you honor and act, I feel like you will be plesantly pleased with the results of your inspired actions (Remember Mercury Retrograde so think about actions that fit this energy). Spend the closing of the week in your own quiet energy because you may find that while you are working thru your deep internal process, other people will only trigger you negatively so it may be best to stay to yourself.




Yashica is a  focused on sharing information and guidancto help you move past blocks and other issues that prevent you from living your happiest and best life. On the blog, you will find a variety of topics that will help you succeed in life such as; horoscopes, astrology reports, free tarot readings, advice podcasts, life advice, videos, and much more. Yashica's Intuition also provides life coaching, life consulting, & tarot readings. The mission, by providing these resources and information, is to help you learn how to use all information and tools at your disposal to stop living in negative patterns and start living your true life purpose. I no longer have physical locations due to relocation but work with clients virtually

Weekly Horoscope for February 25- March 3, 2019 🕉️ The Universe is Snatching Wigs 🕉️

Astrology Reports, tarot readingsyashica crumptonComment

What a week. I feel mixed about this one. I mean we all need a little come to Jesus moments here and there. Even if you don’t like them, they are usually for your highest and best good. Well …this is a week where we might get snatched.

As we step into the week there is a big opportunity that you can grasp geared towards deeper evolution and change. You can apply deep thinking to your hopes and dreams and pour energy into self renewal and rebirth in some area of your life. This is an opportunity you can use to meld with yourself and those you deeply care about on a deep level and create real, solid foundations. Once you open up the space for this sacred opportunity, the universe is going to rush in and open up access for you to gain deep insight and wisdom that will feel very supportive to you.

There is some juicy deep energy on your side to facilitate deeper internal and external connections. You must take what is revealed and make something of this. It’s there for your taking. I believe everything you need will be laid out right in front of you…. front and center…. smack dab in your face! It may even feel like a smack upside your head. It is meant to encourage healing, growth, and expansion and this big opportunity can be something that you need that you may miss if you are not living consciously. That doesn’t sound like an opportunity does it? It sounds intense. Of course, if you are letting things build up and not walking in your truth and honoring your journey then of course this won’t FEEL like an opportunity. The biggest way to snap out of this….. stop pretending like shit is a 10/10 when it’s really a 2 or a 5 or an 8. You ain’t there yet and it’s all good to have dreams and visions about a bomb future, but what are you really doing, practically, to manifest what you desire?

Moon conjunct Jupiter in Sag can make for some feel good moments this week and if you feel like the universe is being hard on you, you must listen…. you have the support to get past it all and have a renewal to expand in your life but it will take getting real because if you don’t keep it 100% authentic, you will find out very quickly that you have either bitten off more than you can chew, or that you need to get out of lala land and into reality. Refusing to step out of the illusion will break you down. I cannot stress this enough, your have the ability to positively impact your life and legacy by paying attention to the cosmos and responding in turn to what is revealed. Yes, it can feel disruptive but it is imperative for you to know that the opportunity to progress is going to stem from you moving differently in this world and daring yourself to expand and then having the courage to act. Trust that everything will be OK.

You also have this beautiful trine aspect available to assist you in taking steps in the direction that you need in order to manifest what you want. Earth energy is easy to work with at this time so you can use the energies available to take initiative on self improvement and also the things you want for yourself related to family/legacy. You are able to grasp opportunities to strengthen your bonds within as well as your bonds with other people this week.

Moving into the end of the week, you may notice this buildup of energy that may cause you to act uncharacteristically in love or may heighten the need for you to keep an eye on your finances, especially if you have have felt restricted or deprived in someway or the tension that was building this week gets the better of you. You may feel like you you want to spice things up or shake things up a bit which is ok when done in a positive, proactive manner. Pay attention to this feeling and act accordingly so that you are not shaking things up in a way that is self-destructive. Don’t sabotage your bigger goals for temporary feelings that may not even be interpreted correctly (Mercury retrograde energy is starting FYI).

I think if you get intuitive hits that seem strange, you can see them as a catalyst to help you create luck on your path. You are really going to have to check yourself because this energy can make you feel like things are worse than they are really are which will require loads of self-awareness and self-discipline. All this could be very overwhelming. Turning to trusted friend, writing about it, or being more social and getting out and about will all be very helpful. The whole weekend is actually good for socializing.

All the feels will start to subside…. a little…. as you get into the weekend. You may feel a little more pulled together. This is a good time to regroup and get back on your game. You still have Uranus bringing in unexpected surprises but you can absolutely channel this energy productively into bringing fresh new spirit into the things in your life that are outdated and played out…. things that need a refresh.

Self-care Sunday is definitely in order to just recuperate from the week and work out all the emotions and feelings that surfaced and just get realigned in preparation for the upcoming week

Check out the bonus Tarot Reading to go with the horoscope that I filmed for you here:

Also, I had a great time in the Intro to Tarot Workshop. Many people have asked for a replay and I did not record it, however, I will be releasing a version of this webinar in the form of a video with slides and a worksheet that you can pre-order for a low price of $9.97 here and it will be sent out on or before March 2. It will also go up in price at that time.

Lastly, don’t forget that I have launched a 4 week Intro to Tarot class starting March 11 where I will be coaching students thru gaining their tarot foundation. You can learn more about the class here. It is introductory priced + 30% off for only a few more days. Thank you to the students that have already enrolled!!!!! I can’t wait!




Yashica is a  focused on sharing information and guidancto help you move past blocks and other issues that prevent you from living your happiest and best life. On the blog, you will find a variety of topics that will help you succeed in life such as; horoscopes, astrology reports, free tarot readings, advice podcasts, life advice, videos, and much more. Yashica's Intuition also provides life coaching, life consulting, & tarot readings. The mission, by providing these resources and information, is to help you learn how to use all information and tools at your disposal to stop living in negative patterns and start living your true life purpose. I no longer have physical locations due to relocation but work with clients virtually

image courtesy of Tarot Illuminati