Yashica's Intuition

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Yashica’s Intuition’s January 2019 Monthly Horoscope

Astrology Reports, Life Hacks from Yashica, tarot readingsyashica crumptonComment

I actually enjoyed doing the horoscopes for the month of December. I did them for fun but I personally referred to them and found them to be extremely helpful. If you missed them and want to see how your December fared up…. check out Yashica’s Intuition’s December 2018 Horoscopes.

We are now moving into 2019 and I am excited. Numerologically we are stepping out of a year of duality…. I feel like 2018 was not only a master year of 11 but also a 2. I will break those down a bit before we get into the January 2019 Horoscopes.

Numerology 11

I feel like the number 11 is a year of stripping down to the basics of who you are. It is a year of awakening, enlightenment, and growth. There may have been many things that happened this year that left you confused and stressed out. 11 is intuitive, which means that the harder you looked for the meaning of your experiences or the why in regards to the way 2018 was unfolding for you, the more scattered, conflicted, and disoriented you may have felt. After this year, you may consciously choose to NOT do the work, but something in you has been awakened or uprooted and your moments beyond will never be the same.

Depending on what doctrine of tarot you subscribe to, you can associate the number 11 with Strength or Justice. To me, both apply.

Strength is all about digging in deep when things get tough. It is about finding that grit and determination and taming that animalistic ego…. that instinct. For some of you, you discovered your fortitude as you had to dig in deep just to keep putting one foot in front of the other. If you didn’t give up or backslide into your old ways, even if 2018 felt like one big test, you should feel proud that it didn’t all completely fall apart, and the things that did…. 2019 may reveal that it was meant to happen….. hear me out… it may have been Justice.

The Justice card on a simplistic level represents fair and balanced justice. It’s about Karma. Its energy balances what needs to be corrected and for many of you 2018 may have been about karma, rebalancing, and course correction. You don’t always get what you want during this time, but you get what you need. You reap what you sow. When things get to this point, all the decisions you made in the past are shored up. It is a pivot point where you must take responsibility… especially for the things that you are aware of… and sometimes when you don’t have the strength, wisdom, willpower to move forward or do what you need to do, God may do it for you. That never feels easy!

Numerology 2

The number two is a powerful, quiet, feminine number energetically. I spoke about this so much in 2018 that I know that the initiates (that’s what you are when you are reading this blog and getting this knowledge) that have been with me from the jump know what I am talking about. Many times I warned you all about going with the flow and learning true manifesting techniques to get what you wanted in 2018 because it seemed that the typical masculine energy of pushing hard to get what you want, was not going to be the modus operandi for 2018. Yes you have to work to manifest what you want, but pushing and trying to will things to work probably only left you more frustrated. It is almost like you put your energy and intentions out there, but you would have had to surrender to the universe to see the results of the energy of what you put out. On top of feeling all the things associated with the number 11, you could have felt pushed and pulled in many different directions….. periods of ambition vs periods of laziness….. periods of love and periods of hate…. you get the picture. Well thank God we are moving into 2019. Every year you hear the hype of how every year is “THE” year, but it’s true. It may not always feel like your best year, but it is an opportunity to roll with the specific energy of the year to grow and succeed in some area of your life. Now we are preparing to enter 2019 or numerologically, a year of number three.

2019 is Numerology 3

Three is a number that goes well with Jupiter’s current energy in Sagittarius that will be available for much of 2019. You won’t wake up out of the energy of 2018 and everything be different. You will still feel a little scattered and maybe a little unsure or unclear about things, but you will feel more optimistic, more inspired, and more creative. Remember, creativity can mean many different things. You will be pouring energy into something that you will be able to tangibly see results from. Probably by late summer, and for sure by the end of the year. You will need to try really hard to get focused on some key things that you want to accomplish, not fifty leven goals, pick big impact goals that if you accomplished them, they would have a trickle impact on your other goals. I am telling you this because you will need to preserve your energy and not stretch your thin. This is the year for expansion, growth, and focusing on what matters to you and your morals, values, and philosophies. Like the Empress in the Tarot, some of you may want to start a family and many of you will want to stabilize and embrace new opportunities. You realize that you have the power over your life, this is your year, and you have the power to create what you want to create this year. Lets do this!

Aries- Your Theme…. Confidence is your key to success! The new moon solar eclipse on Jan 5th may activate something strong inside of your heart and the full moon lunar eclipse that follows will show you this new opportunity. You step into the month energetically tired. I don’t know if work or the holiday season wore you out or if you got a winter cold, but you are in need of a break. You, especially, need to start off this month being kind to yourself and simplifying your life. You can’t do it all and nor should you. You are a pure energy and really need to get real about the direction you want to go this year and what you want to release, but you must do it in the most simplistic way possible. You are able to move out of this period and into a more heart centered space. This is a baby step so again, don’t rush the process. It will feel much better though because this shift allows you to connect to that special energy that touches your soul in some way. There is a big opportunity coming up for you this month and you must release anything that binds you so that you recognize it when it comes and allows you to grow and soar into your 2019. You will have a better head on your shoulders, you will be more determined. Your mind will be powerful. As January unfolds it will slowly brighten up and allow you to get ready to shine a spotlight on some area of your life. You have to be willing to focus the right energy and the right work into what you want. You have to be willing to step out and claim your spot in this world and be proud of who you are. If you have a lover in your life you know is not ready for this new level you want to go to or things that you think you wanted but are not really singing to your heart, you will have a catalyst that can help you dump all zeros or dead weight in your life to move forward.

Taurus- The new moon solar eclipse on Jan 5 is also a big one for you! January has you stepping into 2019 with a big fat YES! You may be starting over in some area of your life, but it will be better and positive so don’t feel bad if you feel like you aren’t where you should be. You will have a good first week where you may be initiated into a new phase in life or feel very positive and celebratory. January begins with a rite of passage for you. You will see it when you believe it. Quite quickly after this positive start, you may have to go through some drama or you may feel tired. Its like a big up and then the let down that you feel after. You must know that this is temporary. Be kind to yourself, remove drama. You are moving in the right direction even if you feel like you are stagnant, you are taking small baby steps out of that space and into a space that has you ending the month with more stability and less worry than before. I know it is too late, but watch your spending on celebrations if you still have a chance. You may have some financial woes or worry about funding but you will figure out a way to be more prudent and turn things around. Some of you… I see you meeting someone or having someone in your life that has the potential to build a lasting relationship with so watch self sabotage or creating issues where there are none. This could be in business or in love by the way.

Gemini- January is very serious for you. You will need to cut ties with the past of something so that you can move forward. All the planets transiting Capricorn will help you. Saturn in Capricorn may feel like a bitch to you, but it is your friend. You may start of the month trying to find your footing as things seem chaotic around you. Did you spend too much over the holiday and need to watch your coins? Do you need to switch back into work mode after some time off, or was December so crazy for you that you need a break? You may be in the midst of challenging beliefs or ideas that could be internal or external. You will need to pick your battles wisely this month. There may be an important male in your life that you may be having issues with or a counselor that may help you with starting to examine how you can add value to your life…. maybe the same one from last month that you didn’t get rid of when it comes to the deadbeat. If it’s not that male energy, I feel that although January started off rocky, you will start to feel more in control than you have felt in a long time. From there, any imbalances that you have felt or things that you can tweak to start to create a better life for yourself, you should be able to do so by the end of the month.

Cancer- January is calling for you to be bold and make the first move. To get what you want, you can’t play small. You need to step into your action this month. You are refusing to change your point of view or the way you see things. When are you going to take the leap and decide on something major for your heart and soul? The stuff I spoke about for 2018 in the numerology is especially applicable to you. Don’t carry crap into 2019. You will start to move out of the energy slowly, but you won’t come into 2019 hot like some of the other signs will. I believe if you can make the shift, you may find something unexpected revealed near the new moon but in a good way. It could be an illumination that gives you a better sense of self. It could be progress with an important male energy in your life. It could be a job offer that will be unconventional and chaotic, but it will be a supportive environment that will have you grow. For you to step into January successfully, you must reclaim your life and from there the energy will pick up and start to move you forward to where you should be.

Leo- I am telling you right now, Spring of 2019 can be big for you if you dare to dream the impossible now….. I don’t know why or what will cause this yet…. maybe Uranus starting to move back into Taurus? Whatever it is, you have a good quarter in the beginning of 2019 to go hard and be your best self because a rare opportunity could come your way and you must be willing to grasp it. It’s a lucky opportunity that you may be shocked came about. For January, I would spend the first part of it having fun, dreaming, visioning, praying, dreaming up creative things…. you have good supportive energy for this. You will then continue to be challenged as you must make a decision to step outside of your comfort zone. You will have to choose new emotional attachments in order to attain ultimate happiness. The full moon may reveal a major karmic fate or a major decision that I think will be favorable for you, it will have you closing the month in a great mental state. You may travel or choose to do something or create something you have dreamed of. Spirit may take over you to help you put things into motion that help with this big shift in the spring that you will experience. January is the start of a terrific time for you. You must take the beginning of this month to dream big, WRITE it down, and make it happen.

Virgo- You are drained maybe from the turmoil of last month. It wasn’t all bad, but it was definitely serious. Now you start off January with a block. Perhaps it may have to do with a decision or it could be that you are not authentically living in your truth. I think you will have an epiphany though, in some area of your life where you will feel extremely uncomfortable if you don’t live the real you and make the changes that you need to make to be your highest and best self. You have a calling to fulfill that could be tied to the mid August time frame….. maybe around the full moon then. Although the first week will feel a little rough, you will move into a more supportive flowing energy around the second week in January. You have some interesting energy around the full moon that may have you feeling trapped but it may be because you may need to shift your mind. Maybe you feel trapped because you choose to be stuck in situations because making other choices would be difficult. Maybe you aren’t pouring into a hope or dream or intuition that you have that could change your life. I think you move out of this trapped feeling and do the right thing, but there is definitely an internal struggle for you to stop being so serious, get out of your head, and actually live life in the flow of the universe.

Libra- You are stepping into a major time of change and transition. 2019 is going to start off with a major evolution for you where you will be building upon working thru your fears in order to create a better life for yourself. This major transition is a good one. Perhaps it gives you an opportunity to add a sense of stability to your life. Maybe it’s a job. It may not be your dream job but it is solid and will be what you need. If you are stuck somewhere you don’t want to be, you may be staying out of fear and trying to avoid doing the things that you are being called to do. Right before the month closes you may feel like you are playing it safe in some area but not change anything which will leave you trying the best that you can to keep plodding thru the rest of January. For others of you, you may find a guru to help continue to teach you how to step into this major change and keep this position you have experienced no matter what comes your way. If you work thru these fears, about a month after your birthday is when you will see one of the biggest breaks of 2019 for yourself.

Scorpio- What are the negative thoughts and beliefs that are trapping you? They are trapping you because you choose to be trapped. At anytime you can free yourself and the next step after thinking differently does seem scary and dramatic, but you may be building it up in your head more than you need to. You are going to be stepping into a new cycle this year and the activations come with the transits that happen in January. You can manifest something great by 6 months timeframe if you stop limiting yourself and jump all into this new cycle or opportunity. You will then go into a space that for some of you may feel like a funk. I think it will be introspective but it seems like you get a glimpse of what could be which makes where you are less desirable. You must remember to pour into yourself… your hopes & dreams… honor your intuition…. because by the end of January you will have fully embraced this new space you are moving towards after mulling it over and freeing yourself. You also have to remember to live in the moment. Gratitude for what is is what will create abundance related to what could be. You may not end the month understanding the why, but what could help is looking at the bigger picture when the now gets you down. Stay open and be ready for pleasant surprises.

Sagittarius- I really do think Jupiter will be blessing you in some area of your life this year. You step into January with some very positive energy. There may be parties still winding down. Maybe you feel happy about what the year will bring, or maybe there are reunions or a new rite of passage. You then are moved into an energy great for manifesting resources for yourself and creating wealth and abundance in some way. It is very fertile ground for you to plant and nurture creative endeavors. If you have been going hard at something, you may find that you may get to a point where you think you have done all you can do…. you haven’t…. what can you tweak and plan and pour into your desires to increase your manifestations even more? The end of the month is great. Good energy, vitality, or a revelation that shows you how you can manifest something you hold near and dear to your heart. Time with your mother or a positive female energy can be very rewarding for you. Family or personal issues may be the focus for you and although it may take a while or be emotional for you, I think you will succeed in resolving a personal issue. I see positive energy for a home business if you put in the work and have a clear plan in place that clearly defines your goals and aspirations. Overcome your insecurities and emotions and know that you are planting the groundwork to soar into 2019.

Capricorn- You have this piece of information that comes in at the beginning of the month that kicks up some energy for you. It is good solid energy but it is not the whole story so don’t do anything too brash or impulsive. It is the beginning of what you need to act boldly to overcome a conflict and move forward. You are persistent and you have willpower and determination to show the world who you really are. You have this clump of planets that will conjoin in Capricorn making it easier for you to think rationally and logically to flesh out the inspiration or message that comes up in the beginning of the month and spend some time with deeper understanding and introspection. Someone may say something, maybe harshly, that hits you to your core and has you start thinking about your own inner security and something that started off as an idea, message, or word exchange may be the catalyst to help you live life more authentically.

Aquarius- OOh…. I see prosperity for you in your future. Right now though, you start the the month of solidly. You working thru a period of lack or worry and I think its all good. You will then have a major decision that comes in. It is a fair balanced decision. It could be fated or karmic. Maybe a prior investment in something turns out in your favor. Maybe you choose to invest in something now that will pay off really quickly… you were scared to do it, but it will pay off. After this decision or shift, there is even more expansive energy that comes in. You do end the month in a little bit of a weird place…. something is still holding you back. Maybe you are stuck in your ways of mindset shifting towards wealth and prosperity. Maybe you think some of the good things that happen to you are a fluke. Maybe you refuse to stretch because you think you are ok…. I don’t know…. it will be different for all of you. You really need to get it together this year and get your mind focused on prosperity because Uranus is in a sign where anything is possible, both positive and negative, it depends on the manifestation vibes that you put out. I know if you choose prosperity you will see that when the new moon in Taurus occurs and Uranus starts moving into Taurus, you will experience something positive for yourself.

Pisces- This is very interesting. I see that you step into January like you are running on E. There is this fight and determination and boldness to keep moving forward even when you feel like you don’t have anything else to give. But….. your theme is asking you, “What do you need to release?” so what is that all about? Maybe you are fighting too hard for something. The energy gets better so maybe you have a goal or a reprieve and you just have to get over a hump to get to more positive energy or take a vacation or feel better. It does get better though and from there things move forward rather boringly but reliably and dependably so its all good after the first few days in January. You will be low energy at the end of the month and not really wanting to work, so again, take a break or at least try to take it easy and be deliberate about the things you put on your plate because I feel like this month is not about getting your hustle on or starting the year off right, its about releasing what does not serve you so you allow more room for the blessings and abundance that do come your way.

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Yashica is a  focused on sharing information and guidancto help you move past blocks and other issues that prevent you from living your happiest and best life. On the blog, you will find a variety of topics that will help you succeed in life such as; horoscopes, astrology reports, free tarot readings, advice podcasts, life advice, videos, and much more. Yashica's Intuition also provides life coaching, life consulting, & tarot readings. The mission, by providing these resources and information, is to help you learn how to use all information and tools at your disposal to stop living in negative patterns and start living your true life purpose. I no longer have physical locations due to relocation but work with clients virtually

Image courtesy of pixabay.com

New Moon in Sagittarius & Mercury Direct December 2018- Some thoughts

Astrology Reports, energy healing info, Life Hacks from Yashicayashica crumpton

On December 6 at approx 322pm CST, Mercury goes direct…. December 7 at approx 120am CST is the new moon, and approx 152am CST Chiron goes direct

I will only be focusing on the New Moon in Sagittarius but I will be adding in the surrounding energies which would allow you to understand how Mercury Direct might feel along with Chiron Direct. I would encourage you to check out some information I have already provided about Chiron in Aries to give you a deeper understanding of how that energy may feel long term.


I am low key mad at this new moon. With all energies, you have to take the good with the bad right? But I get all pumped for a mini fresh start when a new moon comes in so when it has difficult aspects, I get a little upset. Don’t get me wrong, I do think there will be an activation of the beautiful potential of the Jupiter in Sagittarius transit that I spoke about earlier, but if you pay attention to what I said, Jupiter can bring with it a dichotomous energy. That is why, rather than harping on the new moon only, I must tie this all together as I normally would in my YouTube videos…. which will resume shortly because I found my ephemeris. So here we go!

I have been in this state of suspension almost. Can’t move forward, not really moving backwards though, so it makes me frustrated and you have insinuated that you feel the same. Well now, we have all this astrological activity and the new moon that is sandwiched in-between this energy that could have the potential to cause emotional mood swings and periods of not feeling grounded. While your intuition may be on 10, you still have to sort thru all the information coming in so that you are able to separate fact from fiction. Watch making a mountain out of a molehill. What Mars is doing around this time can cause extreme volatility that does not mix well with our tendency to be confused or be in our feelings.

Because there is this confusion and ungrounded energy in the front side of this new moon, you could be apt to miss some blessings in disguise. It doesn’t mean they will pass you up…. I’m a firm believer that if it is meant for you, it will manifest… but it may just be hard to understand that what transpires is truly a blessing because new moons are all about new beginnings, not culminations….. things take time to ripen.

For some of you, Jupiter and Sagittarius may have you promising too much or biting off more than you can chew and when you get burned out, you become resentful and with this energy, you decide to come for people’s neck…. but you may be the issue because you have boundary issues. Work thru your shit internally before you open your mouth. I mean that….. journal… stew on it….. literally bite your tongue. If it’s not an immediate safety issue, it is not urgent. Keep your mouth shut.

Since Mercury Direct in Scorpio happens right before the new moon, the beginnings of starting to understand something may be trickling up which could be very helpful for some of you but shocking for others of you because you may be so confused that you can’t see the truth until it knocks you upside the head. It’s ok. It’s important to be graceful with yourself no matter where you land on this spectrum because until Mercury gets back to around 13 degrees in Sagittarius, I wouldn’t expect anything left but a half ass understanding and continuous readjustment of however this energy touches our life.

Bottom line is while absolutely potentially lucky, you have this burst of emotionally and energetically charged wave of energy that you can channel into putting action behind new beginnings and expansion or you can use it to pop off or act without seeing the big picture and stumble a bit. This is a sensitive time where you can internally reflect, alone….. you don’t need people to validate you…. to dream big and soar beyond your wildest dreams. If you understand what I am saying, the stuff that you have worked so hard on for approx 3 years ago till now, will start to receive blessings beyond your wildest dreams or you will have an opportunity to start a new truth and a new quest for yourself that you will reap rewards from within the next few years. Be patient, trust, ask, believe, and receive…. things are happening and there is awesome energy to play with in order to manifest, you just have to stay woke whilst doing so.


  • I would encourage you to read the article I just posted about Jupiter in Sagittarius because this is a perfect time to dream limitless but focus on the details that are going to take you to that next step in life and help you accomplish something you would have never dreamed of.

  • Journal and spend this time in quiet reflection. Write down your dreams. Our intuition is working in overdrive to help you understand things and guide you because our minds are not working on 10. Also, I encourage alone reflection because you are confused. What seems to be the solution or end point may move several times so acting impulsively may be a bit of a problem.

  • Don’t be so quick to discount what your are going thru, how can you look for the blessings in disguise? Keep your mind and heart open… answers are still unfolding.

  • Keep your big dreams private. This not the time to share because you could get your feelings hurt. You can absolutely start to work on your dreams keep your magic strong… keep it to yourself.

  • Have patience…. if you trust and believe, hold that image. This is the activation of something, not the culmination.

  • Get a reading. That one is just self explanatory. Even a short, sweet 10 minute reading is enough to gain some clarity, get unstuck, and have information to get you moving in the right direction.




Yashica is a  focused on sharing information and guidancto help you move past blocks and other issues that prevent you from living your happiest and best life. On the blog, you will find a variety of topics that will help you succeed in life such as; horoscopes, astrology reports, free tarot readings, advice podcasts, life advice, videos, and much more. Yashica's Intuition also provides life coaching, life consulting, & tarot readings. The mission, by providing these resources and information, is to help you learn how to use all information and tools at your disposal to stop living in negative patterns and start living your true life purpose. I no longer have physical locations due to relocation but work with clients virtually

image courtesy of consciouslifestylemag.com

Mars Retrograde June 2018

Astrology Reports, energy healing info, Daily Video Readings, Life Hacks from Yashica, tarot readingsyashica crumptonComment

Before you watch the video, don't forget that you can preorder your eclipse report here.... we will be having 3 of them right after the other and they bring with them major life changing events.

Yashica is a  focused on sharing information and guidance to help you move past blocks and other issues that prevent you from living your happiest and best life. On the blog, you will find a variety of topics that will help you succeed in life such as; horoscopes, astrology reports, free tarot readings, advice podcasts, life advice, videos, and much more. Yashica's Intuition also provides life coaching, life consulting, tarot readings and reiki treatments. The mission, by providing these resources and information, is to help you learn how to use all information and tools at your disposal to stop living in negative patterns and start living your true life purpose. I have physical locations in the Seattle area and also work with clients virtually.

Full Moon in Capricorn June 2018

Astrology Reports, Daily Video Readings, energy healing info, Life Hacks from Yashica, tarot readingsyashica crumptonComment

On June 27, 2018 right before 10pm PST the moon became full in Capricorn at 6 degrees


Full moons usually bring closure or culminations. This full moon in in the task master of Capricorn and is jutting right up against Saturn in Capricorn. Some of the things that you have been working on since January, at the Capricorn new moon, may be coming into culmination and I invite you to check out some of these resources to get a better understanding of what may be happening for you. Although we have a long road to go, as discussed initially when  Saturn went into Capricorn maybe some of the beginnings of these manifestations will begin to take shape from now thru the eclipse season.... don't forget that you can preorder your eclipse report here.... we will be having 3 of them right after the other and they bring with them major life changing events.

This full moon is at about 6 degrees Capricorn. This screams of a more serious, challenging, responsible full moon. It wants us to be disciplined and focused. You will have to dig in deep, put your nose to the grindstone, and walk the middle path towards your goals, life purpose and such. Family and work could be tough among other things, especially with important male figures or authority figures in your life. You will definitely have to be strong and look for the silver lining but you have so much help to get things right, such as Saturn in Retrograde, and more, so hang in there. Rewards are promised. I've been talking to you about this for a while. You are working towards something karmically big so it will NOT be easy!

If you feel like things are too heavy, here is some more help by way of Uranus in Taurus to help you as well as Neptune going retrograde. You will be able to see thing gradually more clearly and I believe the upcoming Mercury retrograde will also be helpful. Don't expect things to unfold drastically, but do expect that you will receive unexpected breakthrus and insights that will gradually move you forward towards your next phase in life. The things with this is that you have to not only trust the direction/information. you then have to trust and put in the work. YOU MUST SHOW UP!

As with all full moons, it marks some doors closing and others opening, especially with us pretty much in the very early energies of the eclipse season. I have a series of journalling questions at the end to help prompt you to keep moving towards the open doors and relapsing and aligning with things that don't serve you.

This moon brings up that stern protector that I talked about in the other Saturn articles that I linked above and this person is sitting you down because they love you and they have your back but they want you to do what you need to do to break free and realize a hope or a dream.

Lastly, if you are not in a situation in alignment with something that is ultimately meant for you and your karma, this could feel extra heave but you are the one responsible for your success and growth! No one else is obligated to move forward with you on your unique journey. It sounds sad but true.... I hope it brings more empowerment to you! Do you, no one else can!



  • I am going to suggest journaling and introspection due to so many planets retrograde and the major eclipses coming up so I have some prompters to journal on during this time
    • How are you doing since Jan 2018?
    • Are you really ready for the things that you say you want? Your biggest hopes and dreams. If not, what can you do to get back in alignment?
    • Where are you not listening to yourself or trusting spirit?
    • Where have you lost steam on your goals and why?
  • Get a reading. That one is just self explanatory. Even a short, sweet 10 minute reading is enough to gain some clarity, get unstuck, and have information to get you moving in the right direction.






Yashica is a  focused on sharing information and guidance to help you move past blocks and other issues that prevent you from living your happiest and best life. On the blog, you will find a variety of topics that will help you succeed in life such as; horoscopes, astrology reports, free tarot readings, advice podcasts, life advice, videos, and much more. Yashica's Intuition also provides life coaching, life consulting, tarot readings and reiki treatments. The mission, by providing these resources and information, is to help you learn how to use all information and tools at your disposal to stop living in negative patterns and start living your true life purpose. I have physical locations in the Seattle area and also work with clients virtually.

image courtesy of LJ Allen Coaching and Consulting

What is reiki? Top questions I receive about Reiki

energy healing info, Life Hacks from Yashicayashica crumpton

What is Reiki?

The Usui System of Reiki Healing is the method that I was trained in. Reiki is an ancient healing technique that uses the Universal life force energy to balance the subtle energies within our bodies and to heal. To simplify this, I just say that I am an energy healer. As your Reiki practitioner, I am the channel through which Reiki energy travels. This Reiki energy will then transfer to you and will land where it needs to in order to promote a balanced physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual being. There is an upswing in the use of Reiki energy and other forms of energy healing all around the world, even in hospitals and other more traditional settings.

Please note that my Reiki practice is generally a hands-on healing practice, although I have worked with clients to give Reiki from a distance.... yes that does work. I use my intuition to guide me on where to place my hands and because I like to work primarily hands on, my hands will rest lightly on your body. There is no massaging and if you feel uncomfortable, I can stop, switch positions, or use the floating hands method.

There is no difference in the benefit experienced by the placement of my hands on your body versus floating my hands over your body, the hands on method is just my personal preference. 

What happens during a Reiki treatment?

During a Reiki treatment, you will lay fully clothed on a massage table, covered in a blanket if you choose, listening to soothing music. I will lay their hands on your body in a series of hand positions to deliver Reiki energy, usually in a systematic but intuitive manner. A Reiki treatment generally covers first your head then the front of your body. Some practitioners will have you flip over and do the back of your body. I usually do not do this and it does not alter the treatment or healing. Remember, the Reiki finds where it needs to go.

I also integrate crystal healing into my practice so sometimes I will lay crystals on or near your body to help assist with the healing process.

What does Reiki feel like?

Reiki tends to feel warm and profoundly relaxing. You may feel my hands become warm. Some people describe a floating sensation and some see colors or shapes during the session. Some people fall asleep. Some experience emotional release. What you experience will be unique to you. 

What are the benefits of several sessions?

The most common results of Reiki treatment include:

• Perceived reduction in stress

• Increased relaxation

• Enhanced sense of balance, centeredness and calm.

Just like meditation or massage the effects of Reiki are cumulative. While one session can work wonders, repeated, regular Reiki treatments can invite significant improvement. As an example: if you exercise for an hour, you will receive benefit. If you exercise every day for a month, the results will be much more profound. Reiki works similarly – regular sessions support well-being in every way.

Can Reiki “cure” me?

Reiki is a complementary medical art that you can get alone or to help complement other therapies and treatment plans. Healing is often the result of gentle shifts in awareness, release of emotional patterns, achievement of new understanding, and daily practice. Reiki is not a replacement for traditional medical treatment.

Reiki is NOT medical treatment. Reiki is intended to be a supplement to, and not a substitute for, professional medical care and treatment. In the case of any serious medical ailment or condition, you should always consult your doctor for advice.

I never diagnose, perform medical treatment, make any medical claims, offer any guarantees, prescribe therapies, remedies or medication, or interfere with any form of treatment prescribed by a license medical professional. I will endeavor to do my very best to help you, but I cannot offer any guarantee of success.

As the client you will always be treated with the utmost respect and integrity. Confidentiality is an underpinning principle and you can be assured that all personal data and information will be kept safe, complete, and private at all times, both during treatment and afterwards.


Yashica is a  focused on sharing information and guidance to help you move past blocks and other issues that prevent you from living your happiest and best life. On the blog, you will find a variety of topics that will help you succeed in life such as; horoscopes, astrology reports, free tarot readings, advice podcasts, life advice, videos, and much more. Yashica's Intuition also provides life coaching, life consulting, tarot readings and reiki treatments. The mission, by providing these resources and information, is to help you learn how to use all information and tools at your disposal to stop living in negative patterns and start living your true life purpose. I have physical locations in the Seattle area and also work with clients virtually.

image courtesy of Conscious Life News

Saturn Retrograde April 2018

Astrology Reports, Life Hacks from Yashicayashica crumptonComment
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Saturn began its retrograde in Capricorn yesterday, April 17, 2018


Saturn is going to be retrograde from April 17, 2018 till September 6, 2018 and to understand how this will impact you and how you can use this energy for your highest and best good, it is important that I give you a little bit of background on the energies involved in this retrograde. 

I have spoken about Saturn in this Saturn in Capricorn article, when it first dipped into Capricorn in December 2017. Saturn is all about order, discipline, and self-restraint. It is about creating something real in the world, thru hard work and mastery, that aligns with your true purpose that you were put on this earth to fulfill... your legacy. 

Saturn is not here for the games. I always say that Saturn is like that stern male energy in your life that wants to instill hard work, earning your keep, and becoming a contributing member of society into your psyche. He ain't with shortcuts or trying to push your way to the top. Try to take shortcuts or do things in a way that is not part of your larger plan? Prepare to be checked!

Saturn retrograde is the perfect opportunity to go back and re-tweak and refine some things in your life. It could also be a time where there may be some karma that is implemented based on past actions. Those of you that really need to sort some stuff out, especially if you KNOW you have some growing to do and are refusing, you will have some lessons come up. Immaturity, disrespect, and living life without a plan are all up for grabs. So is negativity, worn out ways of thinking, and structures and boundaries that are past their prime. And Pluto retrograde is coming right behind Saturn.... but we will save that for a future post.

You could feel like things are slowing down in some area of life and while you may see it as something negative, look at it as a time to reap rewards for some hard work you have done and reassess if you are still on the path to manifesting something practically in your life.


I spoke about how Capricorn's energy closely aligns with Saturn's making this the prime time to work toward a life legacy, focus on a mastery that can benefit you for most of your lifetime, or to step into your true calling and purpose here on this earth, in a very matter of fact, unsexy but beneficial, practical way.  

I have been talking extensively how we may be feeling the need to grow into something. We want to mature and to evolve and create big things for ourselves. We could be feeling this pressure to grow up or to start to live the truth, experience, and knowledge that we have worked so hard on over the past 3 years. When Saturn goes retro, we are given this extra bit of time to focus on something because it is extra important.... pay attention.

Now think about the Karate kid.... now we have this Mr Miyagi energy, that stern energy that was shaping Daniel into the Karate kid, really up all in our grill making us wax on and wax off and calling us to task if we have gotten lazy. All the shit that Daniel thought was stupid.... member what happened if he didn't do it? Now think about Daniel felt when he finally realized what that wax on/wax off had to do with his bigger goal of learning to fight.

That's Saturn retrograde. If you have done the work, it will click and you may even experience some initial reward. This is only the beginning and if you keep it up and focus on mastery, it will get better and better. If you thought you could fool Mr Miyagi.... look out. If something does come up to show you where things need to tighten up, don't dispair, put on your big girl/boy/gender neutral pants on and figure the shit out! And do it with a good attitude. You won't be disappointed, I promise. Daniel didn't always know why he was doing something, but we all know that he reaped the rewards once he surrendered and honored the process. 


  • Ask yourself: Are you working towards mastery? Towards something sustainable? If not, get it together!
  • Tighten up your bad habits
  • Get rid of stuff that is not aligned with your future that you envision for yourself
  • Get your attitude and your mind right. Thoughts become things? Have your thoughts become negative? Have you lost your happiness and optimism? What can you do to get it back? 
  • Learn the true science about how to manifest your goals. It has to do with learning mastery of manipulation of resources as well as the mind. Holla below if you want me to talk about it. 
  • Don't be afraid to step outside your comfort zone and take calculated risks. Especially if your heart is guiding you to do so.... that connection to spirit and heart is heightened. Trust yourself. 
  • Get a reading. That one is just self explanatory. Even a short, sweet 10 minute reading is enough to gain some clarity, get unstuck, and have information to get you moving in the right direction.






Yashica is a  focused on sharing information and guidance to help you move past blocks and other issues that prevent you from living your happiest and best life. On the blog, you will find a variety of topics that will help you succeed in life such as; horoscopes, astrology reports, free tarot readings, advice podcasts, life advice, videos, and much more. Yashica's Intuition also provides life coaching, life consulting, tarot readings and reiki treatments. The mission, by providing these resources and information, is to help you learn how to use all information and tools at your disposal to stop living in negative patterns and start living your true life purpose. I have physical locations in the Seattle area and also work with clients virtually.

image courtesy of Quora.com

Mercury Retrograde in Aries- Lessons Learned

Astrology Reports, Life Hacks from Yashicayashica crumptonComment
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I want to discuss this Mercury Retrograde in Aries that started March 2018 and how you can work this energy to succeed in life.

For the past few weeks we have been dealing with Mercury going retrograde in Aries. If you don't know what a retrograde means, I won't bore you with the details. Here is a great explanation of it.

It began on March 22, 2018 and is scheduled to end on April 15, 2018.... I always tell my peeps that it technically starts a week before and lasts a week after these dates.

Mercury retrograde, while it can be a pain in the butt, is a good time for reevaluating areas of our lives to allow our mind to catch up on things that we don't understand or may have missed. This Mercury Retrograde in Aries has left us with some valuable lessons learned. I want you to work this magic to stop feeling so damned stuck and live the life you want to live, so I want to call out the things that I think we need to pay attention to.

  • We had our planet of thinking, communication, travel, and more moving slower and not on top of it's game in an area (Aries) that tends to be self-oriented, impatient, impulsive, brave, warrior-like, and embodying forceful energy to get things started. Think about your mind trying to figure things out... to rework..... to re-do something about very important to the self and how it will be pushed out into the world paired with this energy that just wants things to happen. No bueno right? Think about this. What is the beauty of how this could help you? What could you be missing?


  • Have you felt stuck, confined, trapped, or restricted? Has your anxiety been on 10? If you have been trying to push and wondering why you keep butting your head against a wall, I need you to stop. This energy is not here coincidentally. I bet if you weren't paying attention, no matter how hard you pushed, you still felt blocked. Well guess what! I talked about Saturn here and he is sitting right next to this energy like your dad making any move that is not for your highest and best (even if you don't realize it) slow way down. You can't sidestep your chores! You can't half ass it! You can't push thru without taking the time to formulate a clear plan. If it is not in your best interest, guess what.... YOU WILL BE CHECKED! Can I get an amen if you feel this?


  • Where are you being called to redo, redefine, restructure, refine, or rework some areas of your life?
  • Because of how this retrograde started.... it was interacting closely with Venus... you should examine your life and your approach to love (others and self), money, and value. Look closely and be honest about the part that you play in these areas and how you are being called to tweak if necessary. How does love look like in your life? Do you love on yourself? Do you love yourself? Are you living in alignment with your true values? Are you respecting your resources (time/money)? Do you need to slow down and have more fun or treat yourself? Uranus starting to dip into Taurus will bring changes that could be "good" or "bad" and having a strong sense of self will be integral to the success of this transit.
  • If you find yourself in the middle of pain, heartache, or bad news, I would never want to minimize what you are feeling so this is an excellent time to surrender and pay attention to your well-being. Use the rest of this time (Till about April 22nd) to bring in your energy and center on the self.


I want to stress to you that we are going to have something to celebrate if we play the long game and focus on mastery in some area of life. Every day that you open your eyes and take a breath is an opportunity. We don't always feel that way, but we don't always have a good grasp on the bigger picture. You have a reason why you were put on this earth so don't let anyone or anything convince you otherwise (even yourself). 

There are people that need you and a gift that you were meant to share. If you haven't found them yet.... if you don't know your purpose.... don't give up. You reading this is a testament that you have a place in this world. Keep pushing.

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Yashica is a  focused on sharing information and guidance to help you move past blocks and other issues that prevent you from living your happiest and best life. On the blog, you will find a variety of topics that will help you succeed in life such as; horoscopes, astrology reports, free tarot readings, advice podcasts, life advice, videos, and much more. Yashica's Intuition also provides life coaching, life consulting, tarot readings and reiki treatments. The mission, by providing these resources and information, is to help you learn how to use all information and tools at your disposal to stop living in negative patterns and start living your true life purpose. I have physical locations in the Seattle area and also work with clients virtually.

image courtesy of https://wekaco.com/2017/01/fulfilling-one-dreams-lessons-learned/

    Detoxifying Bath Recipe

    Astrology Reports, Life Hacks from Yashica, energy healing infoyashica crumpton
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    Get Ready for the New Moon in Aries with this Detox Bath Recipe


    I like this one. I found it on alcantaraacupuncture.com

    I like it because you can customize it how you would like. I would recommend for the salt you use epsom salt in your detoxifying bath. If you want to use an essential oil, I would start with lavender. Lastly, for ingredients, I would recommend some simple rose petals. You can get them fairly inexpensively at Trader Joes. You could easily only use a few of them then dry the rest for another bath.

    This detoxifying bath, I feel, will help you cleanse the difficult energies that we are feeling and get us ready for this powerful new moon in Aries on April 15, 2018. Cleanse that difficult energy and lets start this astrological new year off right!

    How to create a cleansing ritual bath for renewal

    IMPORTANT: Pre-bath: shower or cleanse your body beforehand, since you don’t want to wash the medicine off your body for 24 hours after taking your bath.

    1. Draw your bath.
    2. Light some candles, so you may call forth your angels, guides, and other members of your Team of Light. When you are ready to release any negative energy or patterns during your time in the bath, direct the energy into the flame to burn it up.
    3. If you chose epsom salt, baking soda, and/or essential oils as bath ingredients, mix them together first before dumping, and dissolving, the mixture in the tub.
    4. Set your intention of what you want to release and welcome into your cleansing ritual bath, and ask for support towards that outcome. If you are a Reiki practitioner, now is the time to charge your bath with symbols.
    5. Optional: charge the water with the healing sound of your voice (even if you can’t carry a tune). Our voices are powerful, the vibration from our Throat Chakras are healing. And, whenever we sound and tone from this chakra with intention, it sets the tone of your ceremony, and helps you vibrate more highly. Try starting with a, e, i, o, u sounds, chanting mantras, songs that make you happy, or tones that help you feel connected with yourself, Mother Gaia, and/or Spirit.
    6. Finish drawing the bath, and dip your body into it.
    7. Allow all levels of your physical and energy bodies to drink in the healing goodness for 20-30 minutes! If it feels right, and you are using sprigs of herbs, lightly stroke your skin with the herbs, going from top to bottom of head, face, arms, legs, etc.
    8. Let your bath drain. Make sure you’re using a strainer to catch any herbs or flowers.
    9. Do not rinse off! You want to keep the medicine on you for at least 24 hours. Pat down the body, but do not wipe off. Note: if your skin is sensitive, and needs a good rinse after using epsom salt, use less than the recommended amount in the bath. Either that, or opt for another ingredient to include in the bath.
    10. If you have used any herbs and flowers, gather them and leave them in a bag outside your door, until you’re ready to dispose of them. When you do, dispose of them outside on soil.

    Common sense precautions: Do not perform a cleansing bath if you have any open wounds, or unhealed stitches. If you are allergic to any of the items described above, don’t include them in your bath!


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    Yashica is a  focused on sharing information and guidance to help you move past blocks and other issues that prevent you from living your happiest and best life. On the blog, you will find a variety of topics that will help you succeed in life such as; horoscopes, astrology reports, free tarot readings, advice podcasts, life advice, videos, and much more. Yashica's Intuition also provides life coaching, life consulting, tarot readings and reiki treatments. The mission, by providing these resources and information, is to help you learn how to use all information and tools at your disposal to stop living in negative patterns and start living your true life purpose. I have physical locations in the Seattle area and also work with clients virtually.

    image courtesy of Emma Engle on Pinterest, from her pins. Would love to give original credit

    Make Better Decisions With This One Question

    Life Hacks from Yashicayashica crumptonComment
    Woman Making a Decision

    This one simple technique..... one simple question... can stop you from feeling overwhelmed and actually make better decisions.

    How many times have you found yourself facing a decision where neither of the choices seemed right or wrong? 

    My life has been a series of these events. Let me give you an example, Yashica’s Intuition is my heart and soul but as of right now, it cannot fully support me so I still work my day job. I do well in that job and most recently had to decide if I wanted to accept a promotion into a more challenging position. My dilemma was that I was concerned about how it would affect me here in this role as a guide and a healer. I take my energy levels seriously in this role and was having a hard time making a decision. I also didn’t want to pass up what could be a stepping stone in my current role because it would broaden opportunities in my life overall…. I was overwhelmed.

    But that was a choice.

    Don’t get me wrong, ya girl was pulling tarot cards left and right…. Which never works by the way when I am so emotionally attached to the outcome.

    I spoke with my fiancé and my astrologer. Both told me in basic words that I need to get over myself…. Not that blunt…. But that I was making the decision harder than it needed to be. They gave excellent advice, but you know how it is, you never really LISTEN right?!!!! Plus, it always feels like no one understands the struggle.

    That is when I remembered this one simple question that has always helped me lean into changes, especially when there was no clear cut direction to travel go in and I start to panic and work myself up….. I always ask myself “What’s the worst thing that could happen?”

    The worst thing that could happen is that I could die right…. Dramatic Scorpio coming thru right… but really think about it. What is the worst thing that could happen? Get a pen and paper and think about it for real, for real. Do this for each choice.

    If you think I am crazy, read this book. Turns out lots of successful people use this technique.

    What I have found is that once I have a list of Worst Things, my mind is able to come up with a solution to the worst things that could happen. From there, I can really assess the risks of each choice, pull my head out of my ass, and make a clear balanced decision free of emotions knowing that if any of the worst things do happen, I have viable solutions already planned out so that I can pivot if need be. If the worst things that could happen would cause total devastation to my life or create a very hard recovery, I don’t do them.

    So try it out. What decision are you grappling with? What seems so overwhelming that it is consuming you or keeping you up at night? Something that is worrying you and you feel like you aren’t finding clear answers that you need.

    There are times when you still can't see the forest for the trees and in those instances I would recommend a reading or a VIP Power Consulting Session but.....

    Try this out.

    Ask yourself what the worst thing is that could happen then brainstorm solutions to the things you come up with. I promise you that your decision will be much more clear, your anxiety will decrease, and you will sleep better knowing that you have all the information available right in front of you to make an educated decision.

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    image courtesy of University of Chicago