Yashica's Intuition

How to Connect to Joy

yashica crumpton
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As we start to move forward out of some of the energies of the retrograde season, I am talking the heavy hitters… Pluto and Saturn… not Mercury that is just coming out of retrograde… times that I could see being challenging and times that could feel limiting… situations that I knew would feel difficult but would be full of reward if you stuck with them-- I hope that you are starting to feel a little lighter and a little more balanced. Especially if you have been working really hard to live a more evolved and spiritual life with more purpose and meaning.

Even though things can begin to move forward and in a possibly more uplifting direction, you may still find it hard to reclaim your joy so I wanted to leave you with a powerful exercise that you could incorporate into your practice to help you reclaim your joy.

This is a powerful technique that you can integrate when you feel disconnected from your inner peace and happiness seems simple but is very powerful. You will have to take a time out from the noise and the busy energy of the day to day because oftentimes that is the number one thing that leaves us disconnected from who we are. Once you do that, I want you to take some time to reflect on what brings you joy and just start listing those things out. You can do this physically or mentally. It doesn’t matter. Don’t look for the complex things in life, especially when the joy is attached to something you have no control over, like how other people or situations make you feel joy. Think about the simple things. What food do you like? What is your favorite activity to do? We are going to go deeper, but let’s pause for a moment. What is really stopping you from doing the things that pop up other than the choice that you are making to not prioritize your contentment? 

If this seems too difficult to do, think about your life like a movie.

Rewind that movie back to your childhood and as if you were watching your life on a screen and mentally pause the “movie” on the parts of your childhood that brought you joy. Sometimes just doing this alone reconnects you to your happy place, but sometimes as adults, we feel like we can’t bring those activities back into our life again. Did you like to pretend? Maybe you can act out a scene of a movie when no one is looking, or play a game in your mind and spend the day acting like your mentor or higher self. Maybe you liked to paint, or sing, or get lost in a book. Joy can be as simple as reconnecting with those things. 

One thing that can keep the momentum going once you are able to tap into your joy is to devote yourself to your spiritual practice. As you incorporate more mindfulness and more inner connection, you become more aligned with who you are, your values, and your purpose. Doing so pulls you out of the mundane challenges that may throw you off balance because you are able to recognize a bigger vision and purpose for your life. So, I will leave you with that. You have the power and the choice to take action and align with the life that you want to live and part of what makes that action easier is your long term ability to tap into your faith and inner wisdom for strength, support, and ultimately… contentment and joy.

If you would like to learn more about how you can deepen your connection to your inner self and your spiritual practice check out my totally free 5 part mini course.
